Depression in teens signs to look out for

Depression in teens signs to look out for

Depression in Teens – What Symptoms to Look for and How to Treat Patients

Did you know – one in seven adolescents aged between 10 and 19 experiences mental health issues? Well, depression is a common cause of illness among teenagers. With peer pressure, academic problems, and bullying, teenagers often experience ups and downs in life. Also, most of them feel sad sometimes.
Teens are likely to deal with significant changes in life. Also, hormonal changes contribute significantly to their mood swings. During teenage years, most of the boy and girls feel unconfident and unhappy which is pretty normal. But if the unhappiness lasts for more than 15 days, it’s time to take this matter with a serious approach. Because these can be depression symptoms.

Depression in Teens – Symptoms

Adolescents with depression symptoms may notice significant changes not only in their thought patterns and but also behaviors. Sadness is the most common symptom. In most cases, the cause of sadness remains unknown to teens. Also, they may sleep excessively. Their appetite may also change. The other signs and symptoms are as follows:
• Difficulty concentration
• Indecisiveness
• Apathy
• Fatigue
• Headache, low back pain, and stomachache
• Changes in appetite
• Rebellious behavior
• Feeling hopeless and frustrated
• Withdrawal from close ones and friends
• Substance use and many more

Teen Depression Diagnosis

Teens can be diagnosed through interviews and several other ways. Psychological tests also help them make a proper diagnosis. These tests can be conducted with the adolescent, his or her family, teachers and friends.
These interviews help health care professionals understand the severity of depression. The data collected through psychological tests and interviews can be helpful when it comes to deciding treatment options.
Several other psychiatric disorders often coexist with depression. When conducting tests, the healthcare professional may also look for the signs of other potential mental health problems like psychosis and bipolar disorder. To ensure that there is no risk for homicide and suicide, the doctor will assess the adolescent further. Suicide is the fourth leading death cause among teens (aged from 15 to 19) – that’s what a report published by WHO showed.

Warning Signs

Parents and family members of teens should look for the following signs. These are the warning signs because they may talk about the possibility of suicide.
• Preparing for suicide – writing goodbye notes, giving away favorite items etc.
• Defiant behavior
• Threatening about killing themselves
• Violent acting
• Expressing sadness and hopelessness
Parents should immediately seek medical assistance if they find any of these warning signs among teens.

Treatment Options

The most common treatment options, available for depressed teens include medication or psychotherapy. Now, it depends on the severity of the symptoms which treatment the doctor uses to treat the teen. Sometimes patients are needed to be admitted to a hospital if they have severe symptoms.
Prescribing antidepressant drugs to teens has some limitations. The FDA warned about it because antidepressant medications can increase suicidal behavior and thinking. Close monitoring is needed for the use of this medication.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is meant to change negative thought patterns of teens.
Keep an eye on your boy or girl, if he or she has been diagnosed with depression. There are chances that they may notice the symptoms again, even if doctors have already treated them. Parents should be careful about it since it can be deadly.

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